We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD. His power, and the wonders He has done.”
Psalm 78:5
When: July 21-24, 2025
Where: Eagle's Bluff in Lanesboro, MN
Description: An adventure camp where you can learn about Jesus and have fun. There are small groups, high ropes course, and group bonding. There is an opportunity to pray and get to know Jesus.
Theme: Abide in Hope
Cost: $335
High Schoolers are invited to help chaperone and pray for the Middle School campers. You can apply to do Dream Team or Fiat. Serving on Dream Team is a prerequisite for Fiat.
Dream Team: Intentionally pray for campers and do behind the scenes work while also taking part in activities like the high ropes course and Adoration.
Register for Dream Team!
Fiat: Chaperone or leaders for the campers. Share joy of God with the campers as a leader.
About: This is a weekend conference for 8-12th graders to have the opportunity to encounter the person of Jesus Christ. Come enjoy powerful talks from relevant speakers, and the power of the Sacraments.
When: July 11-13th, 2025
Where: Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, MN
Cost: $450
Transportation: Participants, parents and chaperones are expected to carpool to Rochester.
Lodging: details TBD
***Secure your spot with a down payment of $50
**Final payment due May 7
Please make checks payable to Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, and send to 360 Main Street, Attn: Anna Therneau.
July 7 - 11, Rochester
Franciscan LEAD is a dynamic Catholic leadership opportunity for teens that are ready to step up to the next level in leadership, evangelization and discipleship. It is directed and facilitated by well-trained young adults and youth ministers who will equip and empower high school youth to be a witness for the Catholic faith and prepare them for ongoing service in evangelization.About: NCYC is a premier national Catholic youth event that gathers High School aged (9th-12th grades) Catholic teenagers for a life-changing encounter with Christ. At NCYC, teens pray, build community, learn more about their faith, and are empowered to live out their faith.
When: 2025
Where: Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN
Cost: $670 (Register by March 17th)
$675 (Register by June 16)
Cost includes, hotel, t-shirt and transportation
Theme: Fully Alive
What: Totus Tuus, Latin for "Totally Yours," is a Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people grow in the understanding of, and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. Team of four college age men and women go to churches to share their testimony and the Catholic faith with youth across the diocese.
Date(s) of Event: Coming Soon
An opportunity to do fun songs/games with the themes of the Luminous Mysteries, praying to Mary, the Our Father, and vocations. Day is 1-6th graders and evening 7-12th graders
Ages: 1st-12th grade
Where: Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
What: A fun day camp to learn about the Bible. There are crafts and fun; as well as volunteer opportunities for middle school and up.
Date: July 28th-August 1st, 2025
Registration: $30
Ages: 4, 5, 6, and grades 1-6
Where: St. Mary's Parish
Register here!
What: YDisciple is an apprenticeship for Christian life. It provides a format for high schoolers to come together as a small group with adult mentors every other week. YDisciple offers training and well-crafted leader guides to support the mentors. Through discussion, streaming video and other tools, youth learn more about and grow in their Catholic Faith. There are separate groups for boys and girls. Groups meet in a host family’s home with two group leaders (not the hosts).
Date(s): Meeting days and times are determined by each group’s leadership. They are set according to that group’s availability.
Registration/Deadline: No cost. Contact the office to find out when the next group starts.
Ages: 8th-12th grade
Where: Host homes
As new small groups form, we are in need of host families to open their home to a group and provide refreshment, and leaders who are willing to facilitate. Please contact the parish office if you are able to serve this ministry in either role.
What: Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, praise and worship planned and facilitated by - and for - the young and not-so-young alike.
Date(s): First Friday of each month, September thru May, 7-9 p.m. Information in Cathedral bulletin.
Registration/Deadline: No need to register, free of charge.
Ages: All ages are welcome!
Where: Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
How: Sign up for reminder emails at corjesuwinona@gmail.com, or like the Facebook page
What kids are saying: "Cor Jesu is peaceful and nice. It's a chance to go to confession and afterwards you always feel happy." - David, 14
There are opportunities to raise money for all the offered events that you want to attend. Youth may start individual “funds” with the diocese of Winona-Rochester at any age and grow their accounts as they – and their faith - grow. Fundraisers are organized city-wide, and include the annual Cookie Extravaganza, and the Serra Club Fundraiser for Youth. Fundraisers are a wonderful way to meet other youth, serve the community, learn more about our faith, and have fun! Please talk to your parish Faith Formation Coordinator for more details.
✓ Watch the bulletin for more details.
✓ Contact your parish Faith Formation director.
Cathedral/St. Casimir
Anna Therneau
507-452-4770 ext. 21
St. Mary’s Parish
Julie Fitzgerald
507-452-5656 ext. 5